Sunday, December 27, 2009

JUst aS a cANdle caNNot bURn withOut fIRe, mEn cANNot liVe witHOut A spIrItual lifE wRitIng this AftEr went To mY NeiGhboUR hOUse whom Held a kenduri or what We CAll thAt..hahah..anD mY HAnd StiLl SMeLLing of GulAi DAGIng KAmbing or Daging gUlai Kambing(whatever)..wahahaha..

..actUAlly NotHing SpecIAl Here To POst..Just UpdAteD it..lAst thuRsdaY I gOT an Offer FrOM MAIDa(xtahu gAK Nde ow MAidam) cOnTInuE MY StuDy at FAr2 awAy(noT too OFfer ActUAlly) JORdan..n da Most vITal Thing,,tHE SUBject iS aRAbic..wHIch SUbJEct I vERy22 'LOVe'(u gEt The PIctuRE..hehe)..bUt I RejEcteD it..beCoz of....u want tO kNOe?????...BEcoz thaT i veRy 'LoVE' arAbic..thAts WHy I Rejected thE OFfer..ngahgagaaa..

...fOR da hOlidaY..therE is NotHIng iNTresTing foR Now..i Just siT Back aND reLAx at My Home..watChing nArUto,eYESHield 21,,,cHAtting,,anD bLogging,,for dA mosT Vital QoDA' mY SLEEp..wahaha..AnyBOdy whO wAnt tO iNviTe To a HoLidaY tRIp are Very2 weLCoMe and I accEPT iT wIth And OpEn Hand..kekekekeccess=

..whatever..thAtz All FrOM me FROM now on(hoPE U UNderstAND)..saLAm,,,

p/s..somEbody pLEas TeACh mE How to Add Image fRom WebSite..

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

THE cAndLE Of HoPE IS tHE sOUrce OF LIght foR sUCces..

hahahaha..(nothing actuall)...

just tO wiSH gUDluCk to all PMR cANdiDAtes..nah...of cOZ TheY All NoW Is sHIvERING(kaet ke??)..wAITIng foR THeiR rSULT tOMORRROW...

sO i

With my
1 Heart…
2 eyes…
5 litre blood…
206 bones…
1.2million Red Cells…
60 trillion D.N.A.’s…
I wish u "All the very best of LUCK"

Saturday, December 19, 2009

THe stORy Of SHAMS StuDent's qUEst fOR frEEdoM iS insCRIbed ON THEir hiStOry iN tHe blOOd of THEir MINd.

...siNCe 2005,,,
i EnteREd SHams GAte foR the SecoND intaKE to This UNknoWn sCHOol...bEforE i Met This NEw lIfe..i sTUDy foR 2 daYs in SMKA DuRIan GulING..or duRIan Rolling[whaTever=)]....this IS BECoz My MoM said 'adiK,[nah,,my whOle fAMily calL me Adik,hahaha],,thIS scHOol Will LEad uR Life BettER thAN oThers' I eNTereD wITh thE mOSt sPIrtual,anD fiRINg spIrIt...but The Sad ThiNg Is.......
i Had To lIve IN HOstel(waaaaa)..of Coz My First tHOUght tHAt the HOstel Life cOUld be So bORing...buT In mY FirST day..thEre arE tOtally diffIRent..i mEt maNy heARt-kINded fRiends Such as dasUQi,BAny(dHOk chUKup g pESengan),KErol,HAZiex,MAMat,aND mANy OThers...

....whEN 2007 caMe,,,
thE First pUbliC eXam(i hoPE U kNOE what I mEan),,in tHIs scHOLl,,at This yEar i fElt liTTle Bit HAppy bEcoz I StUDy In The 4th cLAss,,BUt it Only lAst For a Day..i Had tO chAnged To 6th class..HOweVer..the CLAss wAs sO gOOD,CHeerFUl,gOOD teAchers, And gOOD FriEnds..thIs Was The Years fiRst i kNoe a Few giRls such As fatIN amIrah(a VerY CUte giRL..kah3),IZZAti(engLIsh soNG lisTener..heh),aND OThers,,thiS Year i HAd to StUDy Very HArd tO acHIEve StRet A in PMr..but..This Year waS VerY BEsT Year...thE lIFe of HostEL wAS So Good..i FrEQuently Flying at NIght(u KNoe What I mEan),Run FRom TaZKirah,sOLAt at Dorm(hahahaha),And Many Others...wE alWAyz BEing CaptURed by The warden...bUT mAybe oUR mInds Were too RIgiD..wE DOn't EVEn caRE ABout ThE sLAp,PunISHmEnt,fRom tHe wARDen...hahahahaa.. eaRlY 2008,,
THANK GOD!!!i get STreT A foR mY ReSUlT,,buT i Was vERy sAD Becoz SoME oF mY FWens wAnT to LEave THis scHOol,,,i hAd NO rIgHT to StOP THem,,thIS iS Their LIfe,,TheY HAve TheIR rIGHT to CHoosE it..


...the FinAl YeaR...
Deep in My HeaRt,,aLthOught im HapPy ThIS is The Final year...Im fEAreD to fACE The Final dayZ in My Life IN This WoLRd..thAT I kNoe And LeARn,,fRIEndSHIp,LOVes,HAteS,CRush,addICted,fOOTbALl,and MAnY oTheRS..

how mAny YEarz That wE Will SeParAte,,I WILL REMEMBER YOU..

i WiSh I prOClaiM TO tHe wORld thAt i dOnt miSS yOu aNymore but tAt wouLD jUSt BE A bIg fAt lIE

Thursday, December 17, 2009

what aN aLmoSt lIviNg

haahhaha.... whSsup guYz...its Been thOuGh day In aLL my daY life So Final exaM of MY sChool liFe is End juz a daY iTs Time For ME to sTarT bLOgging..i AlReadY sET in my MInd for tHis for A year ago..Its Only juz A mattEr of I have SOlve the mAtter(hoPE u UndersTAnd) for A BeGinnEr liKe Me...i wIll trY My Best To enTertain,laughinG,soLving[u knOw what i Mean..tHAs all..
-wICked cOOl--BOoya-