finally i caN wRite my BLog wITh My pc WhicH was veRy2 MEssy And DUsty..its beEN a Long Time..foR thIS pc tO ReOpeRAting..I dOnt KNoe wHy(i'm Not a pc ExpErt) a fEW MomEnt aGO I jusT PuSh THE on buTTon..anD its SeeM wORking..and I feLT so happy as a clam..hahaha
fOR toDay(what Is sPEcial ea???)..hahahaha..i KNOE IT!! wILl bE a PIn sTart foR the a VErY2 'exCiTING,ADvENToROus,INtResTIng' progrAm..that Is PRogram LatIhan KhIDmat NEgara(P.L.K.N)..hahaha..i hoPE All My FwENz whO ARe bLEssED BY gOD to bE chOSen amOng thE sPM stUDents will go anD reTurn sAfeLy to ThEir camP sITe..kah3..oF coUrse yoU aLL wiLl Be GivEn tonS of eXcITing kNOEleDge,bUNch OF COol fWEns,aND many OThers ExpeRIences thAT I caN't geT at My hOMe(actually there Is noThing i can get fROm my home excePT my BEloved faMIly) HoPE u guYs(meri,munir,saEFuLLAh,izAT,wAN dIN,foR thE giRl i juZ doN't kNOe whO Is cHosen,,soRRy)..wIll APpREcIAte thIs veRy2 'IntRestINg' progRam anD You Guyz Give A fUll SuPPort to The oRganizer Or what we call(wHAtever)
hahahahaa...anD anOTherS INtreStINg foR UpcOMing dayz is....'wELComE BAcK to SCHoll!!'..hahaha..wAIt2..tHAt gReeTIng Is Not For ME..thAts For tHE PEoPle wHOm STIll caLL ThEmseLveS as A sTUdent..kah3...wHEn THeY HaD To goNE fOR BEd eARly,,I sTIll cAN wAstING my TIMe iN fROnt Of THis sCreen,whEn ThEy haD to WoKE Up And HAve A veRY ShivERing BAth iN thE cOOl moRNing,I still Can snORing at THEm(acTUally i'm Snoring ye..dOnt call ME sNorer).wHEn tHeY had To CoMPlete tHEir HomEwORk,i can foOling ArouNd at geRAi MAMAK. aND waTCh mY FavOurITe mAtCH..hahahaha..yoU waNT me to ADD soMe More??..i'm afRAid Your all Will BE ENjoy THE fIRst dAY oF scHOOl yea.
fuuuh..tirED acTuAlly foR ME to TypE like THis..once CapItal lettEr. oNce Non-Capital letTer..
tHats All For ME today..HoPE u Guyz(esPeciALly the PLKn pArticIpatns aND sHAMS StUdeNTs ) has a veRY sOLobuRious daYz..salam=)..
p/s..stilL thEre Is No oNE whO wantS to tEAch ME HOW to aDD Image fRom WEbsite..haiz..erm,,if uR haVe SOME mOMEnts..PleasE clICk the Play ButtOn yep..