..actUAlly NotHing SpecIAl Here To POst..Just UpdAteD it..lAst thuRsdaY I gOT an Offer FrOM MAIDa(xtahu gAK Nde ow MAidam)..to cOnTInuE MY StuDy at FAr2 awAy(noT too OFfer ActUAlly)..at JORdan..n da Most vITal Thing,,tHE SUBject iS aRAbic..wHIch SUbJEct I vERy22 'LOVe'(u gEt The PIctuRE..hehe)..bUt I RejEcteD it..beCoz of....u want tO kNOe?????...BEcoz thaT i veRy 'LoVE' arAbic..thAts WHy I Rejected thE OFfer..ngahgagaaa..

...fOR da hOlidaY..therE is NotHIng iNTresTing foR Now..i Just siT Back aND reLAx at My Home..watChing nArUto,eYESHield 21,,,cHAtting,,anD bLogging,,for dA mosT Vital thIng..to QoDA' mY SLEEp..wahaha..AnyBOdy whO wAnt tO iNviTe To a HoLidaY tRIp are Very2 weLCoMe and I accEPT iT wIth And OpEn Hand..kekekekeccess=

..whatever..thAtz All FrOM me FROM now on(hoPE U UNderstAND)..saLAm,,,
p/s..somEbody pLEas TeACh mE How to Add Image fRom WebSite..