Friday, February 19, 2010

I will always tell you the truth. Alice Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 20, p.412

TWILIGHT is really IMMENSE!!!..hahahhaha
for the very first time watching was really cool..Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen is sometimes hot(for the girls freaks about twilight he is ALWAYS hot)

..hahahahaha..the first movie is really fascinating..and the NEW MOON is kinda cool knows guys..i already watched it in HIGH-DEFINITION..well..,,one of my brother's friends have premium account for certain website(i don't know what is the website actually) he can get the pass for new cool movies in HD..thats cool isn't for the TWILIGHT freaks..and very desperate to watch their Robert Pattinson back in action..please come to my home..20 ringgit per hour..kah3...

and the cast i most eye-catching to me is Ashely Greene..or you rather know her as ALICE CULLEN..she is really cute!!!..fall in love again i think..hahahaha

its tooooooo hot!!!...180 degree celcius..hahahah..i really like Alice baseball pitch..she is cool.. to see the future is her abilities(at least there is something to be proud i think)..hahaha..ok..thats all from me..goodbyes~.salam~..
                                                                                                        from: ALICE CULLEN freaks..hahahah

p/s..the spm result is getting closer..become very nervous(hope have ALICE by my side to see my future)..juz kidding..hehe


wafazmi said... ske gak eh alice.woohoo..haha

fatin amirah said...

taik mu!hahaha.

beci la ak hezrin.hahaha.

VerTICal SUnriSE said...

to wafa:horlas...awek ak tuh,, minat gop ye ea...hahaha

to fatin:kah3..kot anda ak ah..ak tahu mu xleh tgk ag new moon.hahhaha

ANA said...

edward cullen is HOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT... tp sy benci robert pattinson.. sy suka edward je

VerTICal SUnriSE said...

Maseh2..ssh2 jew puji,,,hahaha..erk,,mcm ku rajin dgr statement tuh..sape kah gerangan @N@???

mukhlis said...
